Screen script for multi-user session or reminding you to create a screen on logon

A common problem when many people share large systems as the same user ( I know .. I know but anyways move on )  is that when you logon you might want to take over where someone else left off. Also sometimes you want to share a session with someone for supervision or just team experience.

Screen tool in linux is fantastic for this. I wrote this script to allow people to be reminded to have a screen session and if already there allow you to log on to the screen by either taking over the session or sharing it with the other user.

installation of screen is as easy as :


sudo yum install screen -y

or for you debbie penguins out there


sudo apt-get install screen -y


The script goes like this :

## Screen profile for user session sharing
## by David Saliba (copyleft) 2013 


function greet {
 cat /etc/motd
 echo "Hostname:" `hostname `
 ifconfig | grep inet | egrep -v "inet6|localhost|127\.0\.0\.1"
 #  df -h /
 echo "Welcome ! #  No screen session  #"   

function newscreen {

 echo "Would you like to create a new session  ? (Y/n)"

  read -t 10 b
  if [[ $b == "N" || $b == "n" ]]; then
 { # Dummy if no just continue
  echo " Remember to use <CTRL> + A and then d to leave the screen session active or just disconnect "
  echo -n "Creating "
         sleep 1; echo -n "." ;sleep 1; echo -n "."; sleep 1; echo -n "."
  exec screen -S Workarea

if [ -z "$STY" ]; then
 firstscreen=$(screen -list | grep "(" | cut -f 2 | head -n 1)
# echo $firstscreen

 if [ ! -z "$firstscreen" ]; then
         echo "Found screen ($firstscreen).Do you want to jump on it (Y), or share the session (X)? (Default Y in 10s)"
         read -t 10 a
     if [[ $a == "N" || $a == "n" ]]; then
     elif [[ $a == "X" || $a == "x" ]]; then
         echo -n "Joining "
         sleep 1; echo -n "." ;sleep 1; echo -n ".";
         exec screen -x $firstscreen
         echo -n "Connecting and taking over"
         sleep 1; echo -n "." ;sleep 1; echo -n ".";
         exec screen -r -d $firstscreen
   greet   str3amuK


Save this script under /etc/profile.d/ or some other name you will recognize.


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