converting webm to mp3s ffmpeg

for FILE in *.webm; do echo -e “Processing file ‘\e[32m$FILE\e[0m'”; ffmpeg -i “${FILE}” -vn -ab 128k -ar 44100 -y “${FILE%.webm}.mp3”; done; nJoy 😉

Snapshot backup using cp -al and rsync

This script requires genuine cp -al capable gnu and rsync commands together with a hardlink capable FS + OS.     #!/bin/bash [ $# -ne 2 ] && echo “Incorrect usage : $0 <source path> <target path>” && exit 128 ; SOURCEFOLDER=$1 TARGETFOLDER=$2 SF_LEN=${#SOURCEFOLDER}-1 TF_LEN=${#TARGETFOLDER}-1 #echo “Last character in source folder is ${SOURCEFOLDER:SF_LEN}” if […