Controlling windows system from a Linux box.

Set up winexe. wget "" yum install winexe-1.00-9.1.x86_64.rpm   Test the connection <pre>telnet 139</pre> Now we can try the system out winexe -U "User 1" –password=secretpassword // 'cmd /C "whoami"' If you get : ERROR: Failed to open connection – ERRDOS:ERRnomem then it’s probably a Windows 7 box run reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management"…

Start Teamviewer from an ssh session remotely

So you remote deskptop rebooted and teamviewer did not run on startup as it does not do in Linux for some strange reason: Connect with ssh ( putty) Then run DISPLAY=`localhost`:0 teamviewer& Njoy 🙂 !

Tar a folder or entire system through ssh

We all had the problem of needing to backup a folder or an entire system from a machine before decommissioning or as a postfix backup solution only to find tarring aint gonna work cause you have very little space left. Also there are folders you want to avoid tarring since they contain logs or system…