Convert DEB to RPM or RPM to DEB Package

You can convert DEB file to RPM package and RPM to DEB package using alien command, if you have a *.rpm file that you want to install on a Debian or Ubuntu. Convert RPM to DEB Install alien command on Ubuntu as mentioned here: # sudo apt-get install alien Now, use alien command to convert…

Restarting shpinx for kaltura

Common problem with kaltura.. Common solution … pkill searchd /opt/kaltura/bin/sphinx/searchd -c /opt/kaltura/app/configurations/sphinx/kaltura.conf nJoy šŸ˜‰

One Liner Email from bash

Simple: #Ā echo ā€œThis will go into the body of the mail.ā€ | mail -s ā€œHello worldā€ nJoy šŸ˜‰  

Automagically maintain a file system with autofs

Pending more detail yum install -y autofs /etc/autofs.master contains used protocols /- /etc/autofs.nfs /etc/autofs.nfs /mnt/mountpoint -fstype=nfs,rw,soft,intr,rsize=8192,wsize=8192 hostname_or_IP:/mnt/exported_folder To find out what is exported on a given machine use showmount -e nJoy šŸ˜‰

Java automatic download link

Hard to find but downloading java from a script (not openjdk in the repos) is not something I found easily. So here is page with the links: nJoy šŸ˜‰

Bash While Loop Example

How do I use bash while loop to repeat certain task under Linux / UNIX operating system? How do I set infinite loops using while statement? The bash while loop is a control flow statement that allows code or commands to be executed repeatedly based on a given condition. For example, run echo command 5…

Close ssh and leave a job running

  Using theĀ Job ControlĀ of bash to send the process into the background: ctrl+zĀ to stop (pause) the program and get back to the shell bgĀ to run it in the background disown -hĀ so that the process isn’t killed when the terminal closes nJoy! šŸ˜‰