start docker with customer system name and hostname

docker run –name david -h david-01 -it david/c6nodepm2yo /bin/bash nJoy 😉 shows : docker ps -a CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES f4da454e156e david/c6nodepm2yo “/bin/bash” 12 seconds ago Exited (0) 3 seconds ago david d5ec5101ba52 david/centos6:node “/bin/bash” 27 hours ago Up 26 hours>80/tcp jovial_borg and when connected : [root@david-01 /]#

Change Hostname Permanently on Debian or Ubuntu

Debian based systems use the file /etc/hostname to read the hostname of the computer at boot time and set it up using the init script /etc/init.d/ We can edit the file /etc/hostname and change the hostname and then run: /etc/init.d/ start Steps: 1. sudo vim /etc/hostname 2. Save the file with the hostname you like…