Unexpected Fail over warning on Couchbase servers

This is the “expected” behavior. Let me explain it, with a cluster of 3 nodes and 1 replica. So you have started with 1 node, so in this case you have only “active documents” (no replica) Then you add another node, and do a rebalance. Once it is done you have 50% of the active…

Restoring a bucket in Couchbase

[root@mofo bin]# ./cbrestore /tmp/cbbackup/2015-01-19T220530Z/2015-01-19T220530Z-full/ -u Administrator -ppassword http://mofo.lan:8091 –bucket-source=beer-sample –bucket-destination=DAVID [####################] 100.0% (7303/estimated 7303 msgs) bucket: beer-sample, msgs transferred… : total | last | per sec byte : 2541549 | 2541549 | 3415000.2 done [root@mofo bin]#

Installing couchbase

Tested in AWS and CENTOS6 sudo yum install wget -y mkdir binaries cd binaries http://packages.couchbase.com/releases/2.2.0/couchbase-server-community_2.2.0_x86_64_openssl098.rpm sudo yum install -y pkgconfig -y sudo yum install openssl098e -y sudo yum install couchbase-server*.rpm -y nJoy 😉