So you have a script on the local machine and you want to run it remotely and pass arguments to it : ssh user@remote ‘cat | bash /dev/stdin param1 param2 .. paramN’ < /usr/scripts/ 😉 nJoy
Category: Howtos
Renaming a user on AWS
aws iam update-user –user-name suse-dev –new-user-name sqs-dev nJoy 😉
Intercept MYSQL queries with tcpdump
tcpdump -s 0 -l -w – dst port 3306 | strings nJoy 😉
arp list on esx cli 5.x
esxcli network ip neighbor list njoy 😉
Progress bar in bash
a=0; for i in `cat $FOLDERLIST` do ((a++)) percentage=`awk -v a=$a -v b=$NUMBEROFFOLDERS 'BEGIN {printf "%3.0f", a / b * 100; exit } '` arrow=`printf '=%.0s' $(seq 1 $percentage)` headed=`printf '%s%s' $arrow '>'` paddedarrow=`printf '%-102s' $headed` echo -ne "$paddedarrow $a/$NUMBEROFFOLDERS [$percentage] \r " done echo njoy  😉
UDP send and listen for passing messages and test connectivity
Setting up a listener in UDP : Install socat Jist here (Centos 6.6 : install curl “” | bash – socat -u udp-recv:8888 – To send the datagram : nc -u 8888 njoy 😉
Magic SysRq key
The “magic SysRq key” provides a way to send commands directly to the kernel through the /proc filesystem. It is enabled via a kernel compile time option, CONFIG_MAGIC_SYSRQ, which seems to be standard on most distributions. First you must activate the magic SysRq option: echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq When you are ready to reboot the…
Get detailed debugging info Elasticsearch node
curl -o – “http://localhost:9200/_nodes/process?pretty” { “cluster_name” : “prod-escluster”, “nodes” : { “NUyPv6zIQDS3wo_u_8FUaw” : { “name” : “es01”, “transport_address” : “inet[/]”, “host” : “”, “ip” : “”, “version” : “1.4.2”, “build” : “927caff”, “http_address” : “inet[/]”, “attributes” : { “master” : “true” }, “process” : { “refresh_interval_in_millis” : 1000, “id” : 2185, “max_file_descriptors” : 500000,…
Using document here in Bash script for sending a message to all who is loaded.
 #!/bin/bash wall <<zzz23EndOfMessagezzz23 E-mail your noontime orders for pizza to the system administrator. (Add an extra dollar for anchovy or mushroom topping.) # Additional message text goes here. # Note: 'wall' prints comment lines. zzz23EndOfMessagezzz23 # Could have been done more efficiently by # wall <message-file # However, embedding the message template in a…
Sample parameter validation
#!/bin/bash echo "`basename $0` Tool" [[ $# != 3 ]] && echo "Invalid number of arguments" && echo "Sample Call : <numeric_partner_id> <username_alphanum> <password_alphanum>" && exit 128 #number re re='^[0-9]+$' if [[ $1 =~ $re ]] ; then PARTNERID=$1 echo "Partner id set to $1" else echo "Invalid param #1 should be numeric" echo…